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Organizational and Human Resources

In my graduate assistantship as a Graduate Supervisor for Residential Programs & Services at IU I had the chance to hire, train, and supervise a team of student staff, manage various departmental budgets, and gain valuable experience in crisis management. These experiences afforded me the opportunity to develop strengths and achieve competency outcomes within the Organizational and Human Resources area, which “includes knowledge, skills, and dispositions used in the management of institutional human capital, financial, and physical resources” (ACPA & NASPA Competencies, 2015, p. 24). Below, I have outlined how I have worked to achieve the Organizational and Human Resources outcomes through my work and studies. I will continue to build upon the Organizational and Human Resources skills I have acquired so that in a new environment I can make sure the institutional and departmental goals and practices align with my own and make a positive impact within my sphere of influence, specifically in the lives of the student leaders I will work with.

Foundational Competency Outcome

Related Experience


Demonstrate effective stewardship/use of resources (i.e., financial, human, material).


Managing financial resources by helping RAs and the Hoosier Link Thematic Community plan for their programming budget.


Describe campus protocols for responding to significant incidents and campus crises.

Serving as a resource for RAs on duty by training the in-center staff on departmental emergency protocol and serving as a graduate on call on weekly rotations.


Demonstrate familiarity in basic tenets of supervision and possible application of these supervision techniques.

Receiving extensive training at the beginning of each year on leadership and supervision and tailoring my supervisory style to my skill set and my individual staff members’ needs.



Use technological resources with respect to maximizing the efficiency and effectiveness of one’s work.

Utilizing AdRx as a tool to effectively advise students on course registration, Roompact to track RAs work and forms, and various communication platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, OneDrive, and GroupMe to reach students and share resources for training and development purposes.


Develop and utilize appropriate meeting materials (e.g., facilitation skills, agenda, notes/minutes).

Creating agendas bi-weekly for Staff Meetings based on in-center and departmental goals and taking thorough notes during conduct meetings and CARE referrals.


Provide constructive feedback in a timely manner.

Providing continuous feedback to staff in 1-1 meetings alongside positive reinforcement. Completing formal end-of-term evaluations to each staff member and addressing areas of growth when needed.

Demonstrate an understanding of how physical space impacts the institution’s educational mission.

Applying environmental theory to practice by first observing the physical space of the Eigenmann Hall Graduate Office and its surrounding area, then articulating how the physical environment serves or hinders the departmental and by extension institutional goals in the Environmental Observation and Assessment assignment.

Design a professional development plan that assesses one’s current strengths and weaknesses, and establishes action items for fostering an appropriate pace of growth.

Completing a professional development plan based on the ACUHO-I competencies in collaboration with my supervisor through HESA coursework.

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