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Student Learning and Development

This is the syllabus of the Foundations of Residential Leadership Course that I instructed alongside another graduate student with. This artifact displays the content of the class I co-led, which includes developmental topics relating to leadership development, identity exploration, and social justice advocacy.

I made this video as a reflective assignment for the Student Development Theory and Research class from my HESA coursework. In this Pechakucha, I reflect on the relationship I have with my most salient identity. This artifact demonstrates the application of student development theories to my practice and lived experiences, and the ability to articulate how social identities influence development during the college years. 

This was a group project that was realized with two other graduate students in my program. This artifact demonstrates my ability to critique the dominant group perspective and transform a practice and design a program to better support a diverse student population, specifically women of color on campus colleges, basing it in evidence and research. 

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