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About Me

My name is Effy Cao and I am a second year Graduate Supervisor in Eigenmann Hall. As part of the Leadership Team, my efforts go towards fostering a safe, inclusive, and engaging living and learning space for our residents to grow and develop in. My primary responsibilities consist in directly supervising 13 out of the 23 Resident Assistants, advising the Hoosier Link Thematic Community, serving as a Conduct Officer, and participating in the emergency response and on-call duty rotation. Much of my time and effort go towards supporting Resident Assistants in carrying out the departmental residential curriculum which “focuses on a holistic approach to ensure our residents gain the skills that will help them succeed academically at IU Bloomington and beyond” (Residential Programs and Services, n.d.) and educates and empowers residents through its 4 main pillars: Wellbeing, Understanding Self and Others, Intellectual Engagement, and Civic Stewardship. The residential curriculum drives the programmatic efforts in the form of monthly educational bulletin boards, community builders, intentional conversations, and community meetings.

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